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Directions to Middelpunt

Phone: 082 521 5947

Contact times: Monday to Friday (08h00 - 18h00)

GPS Coordinates to the Farm Gate

S25° 33.954’    E30° 07.627’
or in alternate format
S25.5659°       E30.1271°

How to Find Us

Middelpunt is approximately 250km from Johannesburg - about a 2h30min drive.

Take the “R33 Carolina, eMakhazeni, Dullstroom” offramp from the N4 and turn left towards eMakhazeni (formerly Belfast). As one drives through eMakhazeni, turn right to Dullstroom (the R540)

Approximately 9 km’s out of Belfast turn right onto the Elandsfontein sand road (there is a sign showing Elandsfontein), there is a high steel cell phone tower visible on the right hand side of the national road at the turn-off.

Follow the sand road for 6 km’s until you reach a yield sign (this is the first intersection on the sand road). Turn left at the yield sign

Approximately 500 meters, the road turns sharp right – 2.5km’s it turns sharp right again – 500 meters further it turns sharp left – approx 500 meters it turns sharp right again. NOTE: There are no other roads leading off this section from the yield sign.

In the final right hand turn is a farm gate to your left, slightly downhill from the road. There is a large green sign at the gate "Welcome to Middelpunt". (if you reach a T-junction, you have overshot by about 1km).

Follow the road through two more gates, past the first two dams, (approx 2 km’s from the 1st gate to the house). The house is clearly visible to the left of the last gate, in amongst large gum trees.  The Members clubhouse is the old farmhouse on the left, and the shareholders block is on the right just past the barn.